1. Any person showing signs of a cold, flu or Covid-19 (coughing, snezzing, sore throat, fatigue, runny nose, fever) must not enter the church.

2. Parishioners must pre-register for the service by phoning the church office 604-483-4230 by the Thursday preceding the Sunday service.

3. The maximum nuber of people permitted to attend any church service will be 35, plus two celebrants.

4.  All persons entering the church must maintain physical distancing.

5.  Persons entering must sanitize their hands.

6. Mask are reommended and will be available at the church entrance.

7. The upstairs Washoromm willl be available.  Cleaning procedures are posted in the washroom.

8. A record of all attendees at each service will be made and retained for two  months.

9. Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing will take place after each service.